WordPress is renowned for its flexibility and extensibility, allowing developers to build websites that go beyond the basics. At the heart of this extensibility are WordPress hooks, which enable you to modify or extend the core functionality of WordPress. In… Continue Reading →
When you are trying to embed iFrames and Scripts tags in your post, WordPress won’t allow you to do so. It’s mainly because of the security reason. Users might add unsecured iFrames which may show unrelated content or tries to… Continue Reading →
It’s been always the case where we need to upload additional file types in WordPress along with the WordPress default supported file types. By Default WordPress will allow you to upload below mentioned file types to media library. Images .jpg… Continue Reading →
get_terms returning empty array even though there are many terms it has? Creating custom taxonomies are common when we design complex web applications. I hear your mind voice, We create a custom taxonomy for simple applications as well. Yeah, that’s right…. Continue Reading →
The get_template_part is a one of the most useful function for the theme developers. It prints/includes the template content inside another template. It is used as an alternative to include or require. We can make use of this function within the… Continue Reading →
All most every WordPress users will use media in their posts, pages and comments. So media files playing a vital role in our WordPress world. WordPress will provide you an option to add media files in to your post by… Continue Reading →
From WordPress 4.6, we have a new class called WP_Term_Query which will help us in querying the taxonomies easily. This class will give us more flexibility and ease of use like other classes like WP_Query,WP_User_Query, and WP_Comment_Query in WordPress. The main… Continue Reading →
Developing WordPress site for client or your own site? Then you should know the basic workflow of Post/Page creation hooks. Okay! Let’s get started with the hooks. What is hooks? Hooks are just a functions, which will help us to… Continue Reading →
Basically WordPress hooks are categorized into two types; Action hooks Filter hooks Action hooks: As name says, these hooks are called when an action is performed. Action hooks allow you to execute your custom functions which are referred to as… Continue Reading →
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