Importing a large MySQL dump file can be a time-consuming process, but there are several strategies and optimizations you can employ to speed up the import. Here are some tips to help you import a huge (32 GB) SQL dump… Continue Reading →
When you are connected to the remote machine or server you tend to get this error. It will be very hard when we are importing large database into the server. There are few things we can do to speed up… Continue Reading →
Importing database is an obvious task for every developer in their work cycle. When we are importing a bulk database into any other environments like local or cloud it will take minutes, hours or days based on the database size… Continue Reading →
The Issue: When creating a new site in WordPress Multi-site environment, I came across this issue fatal error. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function add_cap() on null in /srv/www/wordpress-default/public_html/wp-content/….XXXX…. While digging deep into it, I found that… Continue Reading →
Did you forgot your phpmyadmin password? Struggling to reset? Okay, let’s see how to reset our phpmyadmin password. First stop your MySQL server. sudo service mysql stop Start mysqld sudo mysqld –skip-grant-tables & Login to MySQL as root mysql -u… Continue Reading →
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